Topical Resources 2

Topical Resources


The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges
Available at and
This classic book by respected author Jerry Bridges has sold over one million copies since it was first published in 1978. It contains a thorough discussion on the important subject of holiness. Bridges explores a vast array of Bible passages on holiness and skillfully applies them to the Christian life. Every Christian should read this excellent book.


The Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges
Available at and
Jerry Bridges wrote this book as a follow up to The Pursuit of Holiness. We must be holy and put off sin, but we must also be godly and put on righteousness. In this book Bridges discusses different qualities that should be part of every Christian's life. He explores the fruit of the Spirit as well as traits like humility, contentment, and thankfulness. This book will help every Christian be more devoted to God.


Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges
Available at and
This recent book by Jerry Bridges comes full circle back to the theme of holiness, which he wrote about in his first major book. Here Bridges discusses sins like anxiety, impatience, and selfishness, which are not usually considered to be serious. But these sins are serious to God and must not be ignored. We must fight them diligently and uproot them from our lives. This book will help us in that endeavor.


Trusting God by Jerry Bridges
Available at and
This book deals with the controversial subject of God's sovereignty. Is God really in control of everything that happens? Jerry Bridges answers that question from Scripture with a resounding "yes." But our response to this doctrine should not be an attitude of resigned fatalism. Instead, the sovereignty of God should encourage us to pray and trust God in every situation. This book is an excellent introduction to this important subject.

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J. I. Packer
Available at and
This short book is based on a series of lectures given by well-known and respected theologian J. I. Packer in 1959. Though originally presented over 50 years ago, this material is still very relevant for today. Packer skillfully shows that God's sovereignty, though often viewed as a barrier for evangelism, is actually the basis and support for it. There is no better book available that harmonizes these truths so well. As an additional bonus, this book contains a thorough presentation of the gospel message.

Living the Cross Centered Life by C. J. Mahaney
Available at and
The cross of Jesus Christ is central to Christianity. Without Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection, we would have no hope for forgiveness and eternal life in heaven. But too often Christians forget how important the cross is for our daily lives. Our lives must be Christ-centered and driven by gospel truths. In this excellent book C. J. Mahaney reminds us of these truths and encourages us to live a cross-centered life.

Humility by C. J. Mahaney
Available at and
Undoubtedly one of the most neglected virtues today is humility. Even many people who appear to be humble are really full of pride deep down. How can we cultivate this character trait that so easily escapes us? C. J. Mahaney helps us answer that question by showing us the secret of true greatness according to Jesus. He also offers a host of practical suggestions guided by biblical principles for growing in humility.

Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is) by Joshua Harris
Available at and
In this book Joshua Harris tackles one of the most prevalent sins today: lust. He addresses in a very frank manner a subject that few people want to talk about. He shows that sexual sin starts with lust in the heart and must be dealt with on that level. He offers wise thoughts on masturbation, the temptations of media, and the need for accountability. He includes an appendix on fighting internet pornography.

When People Are Big and God Is Small by Edward J. Welch
Available at and
Teenagers aren't the only ones who struggle with peer pressure! Everyone deals with what the Bible calls the fear of man. After diagnosing the problem, Ed Welch offers biblical solutions for overcoming the fear of others. He discusses fearing the Lord, examining your desires, knowing your true needs, and loving others. This book will not fail to benefit the reader.

Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave by Edward T. Welch
Available at and
When we think about addictions, we usually think about things like drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. But Welch shows us that the Bible's depiction of addictions is much broader. Everyone struggles with addiction to sin. However, the Lord offers us freedom from addictions of all kinds if we submit to Him and rely on Him. Whatever your addiction may be, you will find this book to be very helpful.

Depression: A Stubborn Darkness by Edward T. Welch
Available at and
Welch does it again with this excellent book on depression! He shows that depression is really a form of suffering, a subject the Bible addresses in depth. He shows us where depression comes from and how we should and should not respond to it. If you are struggling with depression or know someone who is, this book is for you.

If you have any questions about any of these resources, please contact Brad at the church office.